Thank you everyone for your support of Nicholas.
We are now home safe after our flight back from Disney World.
Nicholas is doing well, but Heather is still shaken by the incident that occurred on Southwest Airlines.
As you all know from meeting Nicholas personally or from reading his website, Nicholas has been in rapid decline with his Batten disease over the past few months. We were able to bring him down to Disney World this past week looking to create more memories with our family, understanding all too well how short life can be.
We cherish every moment we have with our children, as do all Batten parents (even when those moments can be tough, we know that everything is temporary).
As you may know, we had an unfortunate incident on Southwest airlines on the way back. We feel terrible for what Nicholas had to go through, but we also understand that other Batten families likely struggle with similar situations. We hope that by being open with these events, it will shed some light on what some people with disabilities encounter. No day is easy, but we try to make the best with what we are given.
God bless and Merry Christmas!
We are happy to be safe at home.
Click here to learn more about Nicholas and his journey: