DATE: Sunday March 28, 2021
PLACE: NH Sportsplex, 68 Technology Drive, Building #1, Bedford, NH.
TIME: 12:00PM- 3:00PM
Cost: FREE! We will graciously except monetary donations of cash or check at the event. There will be a donation bin.
At this free three-hour community event children and families can safely wave from their car to the Easter Bunny & friends. Each family/family will receive a Easter in a Bag.

All participants MUST register for a time at the event.
Click on this link to register. Please include the number of children in your party.
This is to ensure we have proper plans in place to keep traffic flowing
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Easter in a Bag- We will be passing out “Easter in A Bag” to each child/family that passes our waving mascots. Each bag will contain twelve (10) candy/prize filled eggs. If your business is interested in donating toward eggs a monetary donation of $50.00 will go toward a purchase of 125 plastic eggs filled candy. Please send a check payable to Our Promise to Nicholas Foundation and send to PO Box 10106, Bedford, NH 03110.
Silent Auction- We are hosting a silent auction online through 32 It will be live March 28- April 1. If you would like to contribute to this auction, please contact Heather at The deadline is March 22, 2021. All money raised by this auction will go toward science, research, nursing care and family support for children with Batten Disease. Web site for this live online auction is
We support businesses: This year we support you! By making a small donation toward our eggs and candy we will post your business name or logo on a flyer that will be placed in the bag. Feel free to send marketing material you would like us to add to our Easter in a bag. The deadline is March 15, 2021. Must be mailed to OPTN, PO Box 10106, Bedford, NH 03110
General Donation- To donate by credit card please click on this link.
Thank you for your support. Please save the date for the Next Years Egg Hunt Festival April 16, 2022.
Hope you and your families have stayed well.