The Our Promise to Nicholas INDOOR MAZE to the Egg Hunt and Easter Bunny!
DATE: Saturday April 16, 2022
WHERE: NH Sportsplex Building #2, 68 Technology Drive, Bedford, NH
TIME: 8:30AM- 12:00PM
Doors open at 8:30AM and ends at Noon.
- There will be no raffle or silent auction at the egg hunt event on Saturday April 16.
- Auction winners can be pick up baskets and winnings on Saturday April 16 at the NH Sportsplex- 68 Technology Drive, Bedford, NH between 8:30AM- 12:00PM- Back entrance of building #2 (first building).
- If you cannot pick up your winnings on Saturday April 16 at the NH Sportplex – all items can be picked up on Monday April 18 at Eastern Bank – 1 Atwood Lane, Beford, NH
- No Easter Baskets, Flower arrangements, wreaths or big items can be shipped.
- ** You MUST show ID to pick up your won items.

On-line Ticket $8.00 per person
On- line Ticket $28.00 per family (3-7 members)
On-line ticket $56.00 per family (8 members)
Discount ticket sales on-line end on Friday April 15 at 6PM. Then tickets are only sold at the door.
$10.00 per person at the door. No discounts.
We accept Cash, Check, or credit card
NOTE: Everyone in the family (or party) needs to have a “ticket” (Adults and Walking Children)
We are happy to bring some joy to the families in our community and host this indoor egg hunt fundraiser for our charity. There will be 10,000- 15,000 plastic-colored eggs filled with candy and prizes on the fields for the children to gather in a controlled environment. Each family will receive a ticket with a specific time to enter the egg gathering part of the event. This is for safety and allows for families to take pictures and enjoy the egg gathering. Your hand will also be stamped at the entrance.
THE EVENT: Your family will hop along the bunny footprints path in a one-way direction through the NH Sportsplex to the Egg Hunt and photos with the Easter Bunny. There will be plenty of eggs for everyone! Sponsorship tables will be along the bunny path across two indoor soccer fields. Families can stop at each sponsorship table to find a “hidden egg”. As you hop through the maze, your family will be able to listen to music, play a few kids’ games, partake in an obstacle course, take photos with our cute mascots (Bouncing Tiger, Mrs. Duck, Brown Puppy, Chicken, Bear, Fox, Kit the Cat) and enjoy a bunny craft. The Party Palace Princess and Pirates will be attending!
THE EGG HUNT When you arrive at the entrance of the event. We will give you an “egg hunt time” ticket. This will give you the time to enter the egg hunt field. We no longer have a big group dash for eggs. Children were getting injured, and some were not getting any eggs. This is a controlled environment. Enjoy your time, take photos with family and the Easter Bunny! Once you pick your eggs- exit the back of the egg field and you can return to the maze portion of the event. We ask you only participate in the egg hunt portion of the event once so we will have enough eggs for all children. We will have between 10,000-15,000 eggs on the field filled with candy and prizes!
COVID 19 PERCAUTIONS: Face masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance of our event. There will not be a mask mandate and we respect everyone’s choice to wear one or not.
ON-LINE AUCTION- EASTER BASKETS & MORE! This online auction will be OPEN for bids starting April 4, 2022 at 5PM and closed on Friday April 15, 2022 at 5PM. Baskets will be available for pick up at the Egg Hunt Event on Saturday April 16 between 8:30am-12:00PM at the NH Sportsplex – 68 Technology Drive, Bedford, NH. If you are unable to pick up the basket at the event, your basket will be located at Eastern Bank, 1 Atwood Lane, Bedford, NH 03110. Please bring a photo ID to claim your basket.
Here is the link to the Auction: https://www.
PARKING: Parking is free but NHSportsplex lot fills fast. There will be additional free parking at 10 Iron Horse Drive (this is off South River Road). This is down the street but also next door to the NH Sportsplex. You will be able to walk through the parking lot to the back of the NH Sportsplex. This is down the street but also next door to the NH Sportsplex. You will be able to walk through the parking lot to the back of the NH Sportsplex. We will have signs to direct your way.
SPEEDY ARRIVAL TIME SPOTS – Please use this link to sign up for the time frame you and your family will be attending the event. Once at the event you may stay as long as you desire. We are trying to spread out the times of all event goers rather than everyone shows up at the same time. Thank you for your patience. https://www.
TICKETS: Click here for your tickets to the event: https://secure.qgiv.
SPONSORSHIP Click here and scroll down page
Please contact Heather for more information about sponsorship. heatherdainiak@
IMPORTANT INFORMATION About -Extra Event Parking:
All parking is free. There will be parking at the NH Sportsplex- 68 Technology Drive, but the lot fills up quickly. We do have extra parking with shuttle service by the Bedford Martial Arts Academy. This organization can transport you and your family to and from the NH Sportsplex. The transportation will start at 7:15AM and ends at 12:30PM.
10 Iron Horse Drive- next door to the NH Sportsplex. -You can walk to the event building at the NH Sportsplex. It is a short distance or take a shuttle service from this location.
1 Commerce Drive– Girl Scouts of Green and White Mountains- this is located across the street from Irving Gas Station/ Circle K gas station on Route 3 / South River Road.
Who needs to buy a ticket? Adults & Children (that are able to walk) in a family/ or party will each need a ticket purchased (shown on your receipt) to enter this event.
We do not mail tickets- Once you purchase a “ticket” online- you will receive an emailed receipt. Print this out and this is your “TICKET”. We do not mail tickets. You will also be listed on our register at the event- that you are paid.
Questions/ Concerns: contact Heather at email: ourpromisetonicholasfou