Fifty- five children with Batten Disease received holiday care packages from the 9th Nicholas Giving Tree Project. Seventy-five packages are filled with items the families would purchase to care for their child. These packages give the families a small amount of joy during the holiday season as they care for their ill child. We are grateful for the tremendous amount of donations this year enabling us to send larger boxes. Many families received more than one care package. Thank you to Fore Batten Foundation for their sponsorship. Crocheted hats by friend B. Knight in memory of her grandson, Southern National Charity League of Mothers’ and Daughters organization, Eastern Bank of Bedford NH hosted a Nicholas Giving Tree. Pillowcases by local southern NH sewing group and quilts handmade by quilters in South Carolina. Holiday Bells and care items donated by bereaved Batten families. So many donations from my family, friends and community all over the US! Thank you to the many beautiful elves who helped organize the boxes to be mailed.
9th annual Nicholas Giving Tree Project- Holiday Care Package for Children with Batten Disease

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Our Promise to Nicholas
PO Box 10106
Bedford, NH 03110
A 501(c)(3) tax-exempted organization
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