Happy New Year!
Nicholas has continued to be stable this month. He has had a few seizures this month but prior to this he went nearly 3 months with out a seizure. Luckily we were able to only change the time of his evening medicine and not add an increase.

He continues to walk with assistance and working hard in physical therapy 4 times a week. His speech has remained stable, slurring some words but still understandable and able to communicate. Nicholas see’s a speech therapist at school 3 times a week but we have increased speech privately and will start basic sign language. Nicholas continues to eat well, he can feed himself finger foods but due to his eye sight has difficultly finding the food sometimes. He just needs assitance with locating the food and then his eats very well. He continues to grow and gain weight, and boy is he strong! Nicholas continues to enjoy movies and dramatic play of all disney characters, physical activities like kicking balls or sliding down his slide.

Nicholas’s wish was granted by the make a wish foundation in New Hampshire for a service dog. We spent two weeks in Xenia Ohio learning how to handle this special dog named Shane. This dog will be able to detect seizures, act as a mobility dog and vision assistance. It has been quite an experience being in Ohio and training for two weeks for this dog. But all worth the effort to do this for Nicholas.
Thank you to Linda Stensgaard for putting together the “You’re Fired” (pottery painting) fundraiser for our foundation. It was a great success and I really enjoyed it involving the Bedford mom’s night out.
We have been keeping busy spending time out side sledding as much as possible.
Ice Fishing Durby Fundraiser
Sunday February 28, 2010, 7:00AM-1:00PM, Located at Farm Pond Park, in Framingham Massachusetts. Contact person for this event is Rick Allain and can be contacted at rickallain@verizon.net or 508-626-0542. See side panel for more information on this event.
2nd Annual Bedford Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday March 27, 2010, Located at McKelvie Middle School in Bedford NH. 9:30AM-11:00 AM. Please join us for Easter egg hunt, clowns, face painting, balloons hats, music, raffle baskets and bake sale. Bring your own baskets. See tab on web site for more information.